Monday, May 18, 2015

November 16, 2014

Dear Family!

The week was awesome!! what has been going on... well
We spend hours at the rest home here in town helping the old people, who are actually really cool. The rest home is just service basically, no teaching, but it gets us in the community doing stuff and then other people see us. We do a lot of farm work, we almost did artificial insemination on cows this week but didn't get to. Almost got eaten by a dog this week, first scary dog experience and it was terrifying! Got a guy..yeah it was really weird.... Had crazy wrestling matches with our deacons, they are insane, and when one is Samoan, they go hard! Lots of Less active work. 
We met this great family yesterday in Eketehuna, and they are pretty less active, but really cool! We are going to Palmy again this week for another District Leader Council, and that should be pretty good. 
Michael O'Sullivan called me this week! I was on exchanges with Elder Whitelock, he's new and training still,and he's from West Jordan, but went to WJ, so lame haha anyways, and then Michael called when we went to this Indian guys house so i talked to him for like 20 minutes and Elder Whitelock took the lesson like a champ! It was way cool to hear from him, though, the Timaru branch is steadily growing! 
So much less active work here and we love it! Most of our less active families are all really cool, we have some hard cases, but most come to church each week and are making great progress! Love these people! Our sport day was awesome! we played Zombie tag, and also some softball which was alright, but the kids just argued so tag was better. Our Branch President played like a champ! He can hit the ball pretty well, and also throw a frisbee too, and so the kids love him! Another awesome week here in Pahiatua. The weather is okay...wet a lot, it just rains for dayzz here, and it gets old really fast, hope it starts getting better here soon. 
We placed another Book of Mormon yesterday, met this really cool as guy named Jared, he had a huge beard and long as hair, but he is pretty keen, and also has read the BOM, no problems. Two of the kids say they want to get baptized and become deacons, so that is a new thing too.  
Awesome week though, loved it so much, the Branch, the people, the area, so great! Love you all, be awesome!
Elder Passey

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