Tuesday, May 19, 2015

December 7, 2014

Dear Family, 

well, we just had our minds BLOWN! We had Zone Conference with President Pearson yesterday, and it was intense! He just went straight to the point, got it across and told us we need to step up, get the mission to the next level. It was awesome, absolutely awesome! I loved it, and now Elder Savage and I are picking up the pace, and becoming better. It's gonna be great!

 What else did we do, had a baptism in Dannevirke that we went to, got lots of food from the members, went to the wind farm after DM in Palmy, it was super windy, I'm uploading photos now. We had our Branch Christmas barbecue, yes barbecue, summer started the 1st of December here, so we have barbecues for Christmas. I like it, but I find I miss the snow. 
So last week our less active family went away to Rotorua for a wedding, and when they came back, the dad seemed pretty shaken up and we didn't know why. Well, Wednesday we found out...when they were there, the wife went to church and he stayed home, it was early and they had had a long night. While she was gone, the neighbors asked him if he could go break into their house because all the doors were locked. He's the man at that stuff, so he got in, and what he saw just scarred him. The family's 18 year old daughter had hung herself, and he was the one to find her there...it was so sad....and he was really shook up about it, just tore him apart. That was pretty crazy, but he came to church and bore his testimony about the gospel and plan of salvation, so that was really good too. 
Anyways, I got new insoles for my shoes because my other ones were shredded! I sent you a picture in Dropbox. They are pretty bad. My other ones aren't as bad but still not doing good. I'll find more later. For now I might just switch back and forth. Other than that, really awesome week, Mary and Cheyenne made it to the barbecue, and this was their last non busy day before they go to Australia for the next month or more, they are back the 24th of Januaruy, so if I am still here, that's where we will be then. Great week though, just great!  Chop suey is actually not that bad now that I've had it heaps haha :) Love and miss you all! Have a great week! 
Elder Passey

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