Monday, May 25, 2015

May 24, 2015

This week, pretty great I'd say. 
We got some great service opportunities set up at the community center, the new place we email. It is super cool, Vana has hookups there, and the people are awesome too, good Christian people I can see being potential investigators. It's gonna be fun, i will let you know when we do some cool stuff.

Elder Harrington ran us a mean District meeting this week. I attached a video on Dropbox. It was really fun and really illustrated the principle he was going for. It was awesome! I put him in charge and he did great! 

Elder Whitelock and Elder Hira from Hastings had a baptism this past week, and I got to baptize him! he was from Waipukurau, and had just moved to Hastings in January. I had met him twice when i went on exchanges there just briefly, but he moved up here, found out I was around, and asked me to baptize him. It was awesome, even if he wasn't my investigator.

The next day I was able to go to Hastings 2nd ward again, and man do I miss that ward. I saw the Haweas, brother Ned, The Ormsbys, Bishop Morley, and my favorite was Paul and Kaycee. They had been struggling when I left, but now are on the road to the temple and Kaycee is due in 2 weeks with their first kid! It's so cool! Man i miss those people, I love that ward.....

It was so cool. Then Saturday night we had a ward trivia night, it had music, sports, the ward, famous peoples noses, all kinds of stuff. our team was the Chad's, our team leader was Chad so we called it thus. We came second in the end! It was so close! Still awesome though!! I love Flax 2nd ward... I hope I die here soo bad..
Great week in all, hoping to get William and our less active George at church this week, he's the man, making changes necessary to get him there, double work schedule on Monday, he's the man!  
Love you all!!!
Elder Passey

Friday, May 22, 2015

May 17, 2015

Dear Family!

Hey everyone! Another week has come, gone, flown by, it goes fast!! 
This week was a lot of stuff! I had exchanges with Elder Vasquez, that was great!

We did some service with a guy named Christian, he's like a recently reactivated member, but that was when he was up in Auckland and he's doing great! we did some service for his landlord the other day and its really opening him up, he used to be against the church but he's doing good now. 
We are getting District hoodies organized by dallas, one of our less actives. He has a printing business called DnD Kustomz, he's the man! They will be so sick! I will send you a picture when we get them!
We had a District council this week with the Elders in my District to get some issues sorted out, there was a bit of disunity but we have got that all sorted out, and now some members don't dislike them anymore haha :P Fun times in big Districts. It was needed and it was powerful! 

We had a great lesson with our investigator William, he was supposed to come to church yesterday but he couldn't leave his house, chores and such :P lame....I wonder if his mum said anything...i don't know. Anyways, he's doing pretty good, we just need to get him to church and get baptized sometime! We will work on that more this week, stay tuned...
We had a car wash this weekend and it was legit!! It was seeming like it wasn't going to be as much of a success as we wanted it to be, but, with the help of our members and the stake, it was a big success! We had a free sausage sizzle, car wash, chapel tours, we even had one of our investigators come, not for the wash, not for the feed, but just to see the chapel...interesting...he's called Jay the Psychic though if that tells you anything...he's interesting to say the least haha :) I think you can find him on youtube... It was a lot of fun, cold as, really windy, but fun! We loved it!

We went to this Young Mens commemoration fireside and activity they had, watched the meanest game of knockout with our Stake President and his son Karybe, his son dominated him! It was awesome!! The fireside was great, and one of the Young Women from our ward sang, she's really really good! she's in line to be the next Disney princess voice, but they are still waiting. She is so awesome!! 

All around great week though, it was fun, awesome, yeah all the good stuff. Love you all, have fun, see you soon!

Elder Passey

May 10, 2015

Happy Mother's day!!!! :D :D :D

Hey guys, 
another great week here in the NZWM. Hawke's Bay is still sunny, and the weather still promising for a bit longer. This week we did some super fun stuff! I had exchanges with Elder Harrington, saw some new less actives to visit and all that jazz, he's so close, three weeks for this guy,...crazy! 

We went to a waterfall this week for District P day, it was called MaraeTotara falls, and it was beautiful! pics on dropbox. One of our members that came with us, there were three, her went up to the top of the falls, and went and slid down and almost died!! It was so crazy!! Okay he wasn't almost dead, but if he would not have stopped on this one ridge, off the falls and into the rocks was nuts, but when he made it, we all cheered and it was super cool! Anyways, I got on the rope swing they had there and almost didn't fall, it was fun as! 

Then the big project, all week long we were helping the Lauvao's renovate their patio, deck, kitchen, shed, all of it, for their mum coming home yesterday. She knew about the kitchen but nothing else, and it looked so awesome when we were done, loved it! Heaps of hard work, but so worth it.  

We had a Zone Forum this weekend, and flu shots as well, for the winter. that was easy, lamest shot I have ever got. No blood, nothing. well then....
We had an awesome Mother's Day hangi yesterday after church, mean as feed, so good! hangi is where you cook the meat and veggies in the ground, it's delicious!! Awesome time with the ward here, just love it. Looking forward to Skype, see you all in a few hours! Love you!
Elder Passey