Thursday, May 21, 2015

December 28, 2014

Dear Family!

Skype was so awesome!! I love to be able to see and hear you guys, see the changes, and man Alyssa's voice still blows my mind at how different she is!! It was so cool to hear and see you all! I think i forgot to mention, the Roche family that gave us the ornaments, Sister Roche said that she loves you guys a lot! She loves you because you raised me right to be able to send me on a mission and I am able to serve in this area with them, and they love you for that! I have grown to love their family so much, and they love you guys too! So thank you for teaching me how to do the right things! 

Nothing too crazy happened for the rest of the week other than it being crazy hot! It was almost sweltering last week, and yesterday was pretty bad.We were home teaching some members that live in a bus, but in the heat, it was a microwave, it was terrible! hahaha Elder Savage said something funny yesterday, I was doing something and I made a noise like I was kinda having a panic attack, and he said I sounded like a pterodactyl giving birth to a hippopotamus! hahaha I was so confused at where he got that from, but it was pretty hilarious all the same! Don't ask questions. He just does things like that. I am trying at the moment to upload a video from my 2 liter challenge. Hope it entertains you. This week was so awesome, the Roches are awesome, the members are awesome, this area is my favorite area by far, just all around awesome!! Love and miss you guys have a great week, Happy New Year! A good video is New Years Look Not Behind Thee. It was great! Love all of you!
Elder Passey

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