Friday, May 22, 2015

May 3, 2015

Hey Family!

haha yeah, I have given quite a few talks, so if I have to do another one I try and pull it out of my ones that I have already given haha with a few alterations here and there... yeah Jesus the Christ is so awesome!! Besides the Book of Mormon and New Testament I learned the most about Christ from that book. I also want to read Articles of Faith and The Great Apostasy by Talmage too, I think those two are also awesome. 

I think Vana will get her calling next week, she just got sustained a member this week,and then next week she should get it. Looking forward to it though, she bore her testimony in church yesterday, it was awesome!! 

We are trying to learn a Haka with the other elders and one of their members, the one that started doing it in Stake Conference, he's like the joke of the stake now but he does a mean Haka. We helped this lady in our ward and the sisters sand her floors, it was a big project, and we didn't get it done, but she had these two beautiful dogs, a husky and an Alaskan Malamute. I uploaded pics of them. 
We did a work out with Brother Treacher in Hastings again! It was so cool to see him! 
My watch strap broke while we were playing basketball, but then I fixed it with a random little piece I found in our flat. So its all good. I also am thinking about getting new shoes, my nikes are pretty toasted, I'll just get a pair from Warehouse that can last me 3 months haha that's all I need. 
We got a new investigator, and are trying to get the ball rolling again, its that slump after a baptism, always happens. Good week though, we have District P day today, going to a waterfall and maybe Te Mata peak, it's gonna be fun! Love you all, have fun, and a good week! 
Elder Passey   

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