Friday, May 22, 2015

April 26, 2015

Dear Family,

Yeah Vana is so happy!! and she already has a calling lined up for young womens!! So sweet!! She is gonna love this ward!! The young women seem to be pretty good. It was just so great, man I could not have asked for a better baptism! If that is my last one, hope not, but all goods! That was awesome...I loved it, and I think she did too.  
haha yeah the shearing, man that was the hardest thing i have ever done!! we saw some shearing stitching, it was pretty out of it, if you miss the sheep you just grab your needles, sew him up, and move on with it. Blood everywhere...I didn't cut any lucky, I was afraid I would, but all good. It was super hard though.  
Nothing too crazy this week, we spoke on the Atonement in church and all the members said they enjoyed it a lot. I hope so. That Jesus the Christ book has helped me heaps! 
We caught a mouse that was in our house, i will upload pics of it, we gave it to the other elders for a bit and they lost it!! haha so now he's at their house! :) Good week though, loved it, another good one coming. Love and miss you all!

Thanks for everything!
Love, Elder Passey

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