Thursday, February 19, 2015

November 9, 2014

Dear Family!! 
wow how fast this week has been going! It seems like Monday yesterday!! We biked 15 miles this week, went to all our little towns, we are doing farm work this week, milking and other things with cows. We had to go to Palmy twice and that made the middle of the week pretty crazy! Helped an old lady move, went to the river with the boys, saw a spider that runs across water, it was creepy as! We had so much fun, meetings were good, we have a Christmas Zone Conference coming up and also a Zone P day, Amazing Race around Palmy, should be sick!! Pretty crazy busy week, but love the area, the members, our new branch president, awesome!! The mission is the best!! Love you all! 
Have a marvelous time together!-Elder Richard G. Scott. 
Oh yeah we talked in sacrament meeting. Went well. Love you!
Elder Passey

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