Thursday, February 19, 2015

October  12, 2014

Family!! and others....

what an interesting week this was....we witnessed a catfight...a couple girls outside the grocery store started going at it. We weren't sure if we were going to stop it, but then one of their boyfriends stopped them, so that was just crazy! Then I think I discovered something I am allergic to. Surf laundry powder. It has been making my skin really itchy and dry, so I got a cream and an oil thing to try and help it, and I am getting new powder today as well. So that was annoying. 

We didn't have as amazing of a week as last, I mean with a baptism it is hard to beat, but it was still pretty good. We had two investigators attend conference yesterday, and one of them we didn't even get to invite, but she showed up! That was so cool! We were so happy she was there!! The other was one of the boys we are working with, he also has expressed a desire to get baptized, we just need to talk to his parents. Other than that, Conference was awesome, lots of new stuff to teach about, hopefully using and applying lots too. I like Conference more now that I am a missionary sadly to say, but it is just awesome! I didn't have much of an appreciation for it as I do now, and I love it! Great week still though, and hope this one is awesome too! Last week of the transfer so next week I might be getting a new comp, lets see what happens! Love you guys!
Elder Passey

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