Thursday, February 19, 2015

October 26, 2014

Dear Family,

 My new comp is the man!! His name is Elder S*avage from P*anguitch Utah, and he is awesome!! we have been going hard already and just doing our best, it is going to be a good 8 week transfer I think.

This week we will be helping out at the school as much as we are able to help them set up for their Halloween disco this week, it is going to be really fun and I think we might be able to DJ, we just need to see how busy we are. We made a mean as spider and the haunted house that i might have already uploaded. We also got a new branch president, it is the senior elder in our zone, Elder Morris. He is really cool, and they will be here for the next 7 months before they go home, so he said he wants to get 3 people ready to be made Branch President when he goes home, so that should be great! They seem really cool, so I think it will be pretty fun. 
We are getting kicked out of our awesome flat though... we are moving to a new flat on the road leaving Pahiatua, and it is way smaller than ours is now. It is basic as, but fits our needs. It is old too, so not as nice as ours, but hey, the Morris' need to live here now, so all goods. But this week has been good, the kids are still doing good, keep getting new ones at church, and that is good. Investigators moving good, no baptisms up yet, but not bad. Love the area still, and my new comp is the man, so that should make it awesome! On Sunday we also went to a Marae for a family reunion we got invited to, and that was really cool! They did this big thing on whakapapa, family history, and it was cool. They had their line all displayed from a few generations back, got to talk to a bunch of them and they were so inviting and nice, they offered us dinner but we had to go sadly... been having fun, doing good, and this week is gonna be crazy I can already tell, so here we go! Love you all! 
Elder Passey

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