Tuesday, September 2, 2014

May 4, 2014

Hey family,
well this week was a bit rocky... John did not bear his testimony, he won't be getting baptized on Saturday either, he's not ready.. I don't know if it's desire or what, but he just still smokes, drinks teas and coffee, no stop yet..  so we pushed it back another couple months. Still reading the Book of Mormon though, so that's good. I also had another exchange in Waipukurau with Elder Tonga, and that was really fun. Lots of good people down there. Today we have a 4 hour cleaning day, cleaning the flats from top to bottom, everything, so that should be great fun! :P 

` Not much happened this week I guess, just working with more less actives, no workout with our member today because of cleaning, and more less active lessons today too, with a member of our stake presidency who just moved into our ward, that's sweet! He's ready and willing to help us do anything we need! Awesome member! Have a great week everyone! Hope things turn around and we can get more investigators, we will work harder to do so! Love and miss you!
Elder Passey

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