Wednesday, September 3, 2014

July 27, 2014

Dear Family, 
John is doing well, we have re challenged him to baptism again, haven't set an official date yet, but he does want to be baptized and wants to set the goal. He is having a clean week so far, so we will see how that goes. He is doing very well though, and the members love him! We have still not yet caught up with that family but we will go around this week probably. We have them as potentials and also a part member family that is going to be fellow shipped by her uncle, so that will help a lot. 

This week for me was up and down and then good and bad and ended good haha :P Exchanges this week, I walked  all day with Elder Anderson around half of Hastings, it was great fun! rainy at first but then all good the rest of the day. There were 4 cops that showed up down the road from our flat and arrested this lady. She had a kid too, it might have been domestic violence, and she was resisting and yelling the whole time.
 Visited with a lot of good members this week, they are the key to work here. It helps so much when we visit them. This week is another focus on members and we will hopefully get more referrals from it too.

Hope you all have a great week, miss and love you all! 
Elder Passey

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