Wednesday, September 3, 2014

June 22, 2014

Not a busy week. Just a couple happenings:

His current Mission President will be leaving and President Hudson will be taking his place.

He requested that The Ensign be sent to his investigator Jon

The youth in Hastings were able to go out with the missionaries and have missionary experiences. They called it the Missionary Prep Camp.

June 29, 2014

We had a measles scare in the ward, one of the YSA of a family we go and visit each week got them, and anyone who had been in contact with her or the family has potential for getting it. When the mom called us and said what symptoms it could be, I was feeling it as she told me...I'm okay though, just sore throat. I don't think I'll get it, we didn't have direct contact with her anyways. 

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