Tuesday, September 2, 2014

May 11, 2014

Hey Family,

 I had an exchange with the Zone Leaders, Elder Pelo was here in Hastings with me, and we had a lot of fun biking around, helping the sisters when one of them crashed her bike, and doing missionary stuff. It was awesome! We have been working with a lot of less active members and such in the area, and since it's getting darker faster, we have set up times to visit them all each day. At least one per day, so that is a big help. A couple even came to church yesterday which was awesome!
Other than that, just a good week overall. Hope this week is better. Oh we did go to a baptism this saturday, it was for the other elders but since I do the interview we went. It was really cool, and the girl was so happy! Anyways, great times, fun stuff, hope you all are having a great Mother's Day!
Elder Passey

Not sure what this is. :)

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