Wednesday, September 3, 2014

August 17, 2014

Dear Family,
Pahiatua (Pahi:Atua) - God passing, or, passing the place where God lived. 
I am sooo happy to be in a new  area with a new companion!  The 4 days I have been here in Pahiatua have been busy all day, every day! Tiny as but also a mean as area! I love it here! The branch is really small, probably like 20 people at church yesterday, but they are all pretty cool. Elder Foremaster is the man, and I love the area!  We stay busy, and do awesome! We have a few good investigators, and plenty of Less active work to do. There are about 125 less actives on the list of members here, and 20 come to yeah...we have heaps to do. 

I saw some members from hastings yesterday, they were coming back from a place called Linton by palmerston North, and they stopped in and saw us. We had dinner with the first counselor in the branch presidency and he lives in the valley in between here and Palmy, so they come and pick us up every time and we had an awesome dinner. Both converts, and their story is really cool! It was awesome!! I love this people, cool place, just so much to do! I love it! 

Looking forward to this new area, lots to do, more people to teach, and doing awesome! Love and miss you all, have fun!
Elder Passey

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