Wednesday, September 3, 2014

August 10, 2014

Woohoo!!!! Transfer!!!!! haha funny thing, I'm actually not going to be District Leader anymore, no reason why, just happens. I don't even mind, I'm going to be comps with Elder Foremaster from my intake, and so that is going to be a BLAST!!!! It's a tiny as area, but it is going to be awesome!!! 
Yeah John got it(the Ensign), he loves it, he really enjoyed the Isaiah article, he reads that guy every day. He's nuts!! haha but he loves it.

Well this is a sad but joyous moment. Said goodbye to some great members, getting a new comp, I got a kuwowo from a less active Maori guy, he has this huge collection of carved Maori stuff, and he just gave it to me when we were about to leave. I'll send you pictures of it. I can't figure out how to play it yet though.... But I am so looking forward to this transfer, and to new places and people!! Hope you all have a fun week, enjoy the weather! Here it has been warm and cold at night, but freezing in the morning, yesterday there was like a quarter of an inch of frost on our car. Taste of home right there...only a small taste... anyways, love you all, have fun!!!


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