Wednesday, September 3, 2014

August 3, 2014

This week was pretty average, nothing too exciting. John has just received the new Ensign, and he said it was really cool to get it. YAY!!!!!! 

 Weird weather this week....weird... It felt like summer for at least half this week, and then it rained Sunday. It was warm, beautiful no clouds, and then rain. That's New Zealand for you. We chopped wood for like 4 hours on Saturday. It was a lot of work, a bit sore from that, but mostly just fun. Our member we do it with is getting a heap of it for the members, mostly widows and old people. It's really good of him. He is trying to help out as much as he can while he works on getting his priesthood back. Had a member kid get baptized this weekend, it was really cool, had heaps of nonmembers there, that was awesome! Just an all around average but pretty good week. Bishop is still pushing change and returning to church, so that is really good. 
Hope you have a fun week! Love you all!
Elder Passey

The "fruits" of his labors. :)

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