Tuesday, September 2, 2014

June 8, 2014

Okay, this week was legit!! first, John is getting baptized soon!! We told him that he's ready, and we will just keep pushing it and telling him he's there, and we will be baptizing! 

Let's see, I walked down a sewer tunnel on exchanges in Havelock, I'm uploading photos as I type. We did heaps of service, chopped wood for about 4-5 hours, and had some good lessons too. I had an exchange with Elder Nordlin in Havelock and then Danner from Waipuk came up here. It was really fun. After the Waipuk exchange we went down there with the sisters to exchange back, did some service, played some chess, and just got to hang out a bit. haha something funny I noticed at church. Deacons coming late is still a problem, even in NZ. The church has gotta be true haha! I got the letters from the ward which was awesome! I'm working on thank yous right now. Another couple of cool things from church. Bishop said this," I hope, under MY watch, that we become a ZION people. ONE." That was probably the meanest thing I have ever heard him say. Then, when John was sleeping in Elders Quorum, Elder Schumaker said," He's already a Mormon, we just have to baptize him!" hahahah so great! I loved this week. Worked with a lot of members, had a lot of good feeds and stuff too. I just love this area, and I really hope I don't leave this next transfer, although President is releasing pretty much everyone in a leadership position for President Hudson to move and do what he wants, so we will see. I could still stay. Just a lot of good stuff this week. Can't really think of anything else, but it was fun, awesome, spiritual, and the best! Hope Cali is fun! Love and miss you all! 
Elder Passey 

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