Wednesday, September 3, 2014

July 14, 2014

The new family we still haven't got to, but we did get a referral from a member who's niece it was, and they let us right in, he is inactive and the niece is a non member I think, but they are really cool, said if we need a feed we can text them and come around, and also visit anytime. That was awesome!! Way cool people. We will begin work on them this week.

Not too much new stuff this week, just working, trying to at least. and new investigators, new family to catch up with, so that should help us a lot. Hope it all goes good, we have a ward activity this week, kareoke and dancing, and so we can go if John or someone comes, no dancing for us, but the kareoke we might have to try  :) we will see. hope you are all well, and have a great week! 
Elder Passey

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