Friday, June 27, 2014

April 27, 2014

Hey Family!

This week was pretty great, John came back from being out of town so were able to meet with him which was awesome, we don't have much going on if he's not home :P He came to church again and also brought his daughter Selena which was really cool, she is hesitant about all of the church stuff I think but she likes it. Otherwise else, he brought his Book of Mormon on his trip, and he's been reading every day! So great! I think he can make it to may 10th, he will be bearing his testimony in church next Sunday, we challenged him to do that, so if that doesn't spark it, I don't know what will.
 I know, 8 months, it's crazy! It's so fast, too fast. Two years is really not that long. Yeah the moon was a bit red here too, it was so cool!! Not the best one ever, but it was really sweet! 

This week, what did I do... well I went on exchange with Elder Parker, we had a good time. Nothing too exciting. I always like exchanges though. Anything you want for mother's day? I can find something pretty cool, but maybe Skype is a good gift too huh? haha :) Oh, we have been getting into Family history more, and I need some photos of both sets of grandparents and their parents from both sides for my My Family Book. That would help a lot! Maybe have dad upload them to Dropbox and I'll get them. Other than that, just normal, lots coming up. On May 18th we have this New Zealand broadcast that is going to be done by President Monson and Russell M. Nelson, that will be sweet! Looking forward to that one! Other than that, not too much happening, just finding, working with Less Actives, lots of fun stuff. Hope you all have a great week! Love and miss you all!
Elder Passey 

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