Friday, June 27, 2014

April 21, 2014

Yeah, speaking of weather we had heaps and heaps of rain!! For like two weeks straight, when I was on exchanges with Elder Purcell last week we were out in it for like 3 hours, it was awful, fun too, but man we got soaked!! I have a picture that I will get on next week. We only half a half hour to email today because it isn't P day, so I will put more on next week. We had a lunar eclipse last week! It was awesome!! I'll get a pic from another Elder and show you. We had a service where we chopped heaps and heaps of wood, big stumps not just little pieces, and it was really fun! Not as hard as I thought. I just watched that because of Him video, amazing!!! That is fantastic!!! I downloaded it too so I can hopefully watch it whenever. Easter was pretty great here, good sacrament, we had a fireside at the stake center, musical one, but cool still. Our Bishop though, man he is going to be a General Authority I just know it!! The guy is so powerful, it's amazing. We probably have the best Bishop in the mission. Anyway, sounds like it was all really good back home, hope you are all having a good Easter, remember Christ, because of Him, we live, and will live again! All the best, have fun!
Love, Elder Passey


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