Sunday, January 12, 2014

November 17, 2013

Hello family!

How is everyone? I'm doing great! We recently just had an exchange with the Ashburton Elders again, I was with Elder Poole, and I uploaded a picture of him, the Catholic Basilica in Timaru, pretty cool building, and then Elders Tarati, Poole, myself, and Bearnson. Good group of Elders that. It was a fun exchange. Now we are doing an exchange with the Waimate Elders for the rest of transfer because of issues with President. It's all good and it's fun. I'm with Elder Uasila'a, the Tongan one with Elder Paulson in the photos I uploaded. 

I've had a good week, lots of finding and a few lessons with our new South African investigators, who are very cool. One seems really keen as of now, and we are giving the other a Book of Mormon in Afrikaans because he can't read English the best, but speaks great. He's real cool, and he has good analogies and ideas with everything. For example, eternity. Here's how he describes it. "So you take a diamond the size of the sun, and then a little bird. Every 100 years this little bird comes and wipes his little beak on the diamond and then leaves. After that diamond finally wears out, that's eternity. Something you can think about and measure, but not really know how long. I thought it was cool as! He's real good with analogies. Cool people, real nice.
We are working with the Fijians as much as we can to get them involved with members and church activities. They are close, but need a greater understanding of the  Restoration and Apostasy I think. After that I think it'll be golden. I hope so. I really want to see their family be baptized. They're a great family, strong in faith and love of God, they just need to see that what we have is true. 
Otherwise, I've been doing great with Elder Tarati, he's awesome! Now that I'm with Elder Uasila'a we will do our best here in Timaru for the rest of transfer. After that, I don't know where we're going. I want to stay here in Timaru, but I know I have to leave eventually. I'll miss it so much when I do though. 
We just had stake conference this past weekend, and it was real good. All about rescuing and doing our part as members, it was powerful! Elder Halleck from the 1st Quorum of the 70 was there for the adult and general sessions, it was mean! I love that guy! Way cool, and inspired council. 
I finished Jesus the Christ. I love that book. So good! So good. It was amazing, all the insight and then at the end with the culmination of it all, fantastic! It was awesome. I learned heaps from that book. Another week, new lessons new finding new work. Love and miss you all! 
Elder Passey

Catholic Basilica

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