Tuesday, January 21, 2014

January 5, 2014

My week has been pretty good. New Years in Christchurch with Elder Cunningham was good, we made a pie, had a good feed, but there wasn't any big fireworks shows! Apparently, Elder Cunningham, who's from Hamilton, told me that in NZ it's not the big fireworks shows that people do, it's how much alcohol you can get down.  It was pretty fun though, we had a car wash with one of the districts there, which was fun, but no one really showed up or drove in except members and one less active teen, but it was still fun. I met some more elders from Utah, Elder Barnes from Pleasant grove, and Elder Palmer too. It was pretty cool. We did it because the Zone Leaders do exchanges with all the District Leaders, so we had ours on New years. It works out pretty well, and it was fun to go work with lots of Elders in Christchurch as well. The holidays were crazy, no one home, or away, so we didn't get to do a whole lot, but next week will be better, we'll start doing more. Door knocking on New years though, pretty much useless after 4pm. Yeah, it starts early here. I hope that it picks up now that most people are back to work and the dust has settled. 

Elder Passey

Mt. Peel

Enjoying a little free time at a Branch activity

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