Sunday, January 12, 2014

Dec 8, 2013

Hey there friends and family! 

Just wanted to let you all know I found my street, and so at the end of my mission I will be returning to Timaru and living here.

Nah jokes, it's not the best street in the world..well...maybe..
No baptisms out of it, sadly, but we did some mean service for this lady who was real nice but goes to another church. I knew we'd get something from it!
Haven't knocked the whole thing, but we'll get there! 
Hope all of you are doing great! I'm doing pretty great, no baptisms yet, but they're on the way I think! Love and miss all of you, do great things, keep the faith!

 My week has been great! Met a few new investigators, not much luck with others yet but we are moving along with a few. It's hard sometimes, it takes a lot of time for anything to happen here, but we work hard and do our best, and the Lord will provide. Not really any cool stories to tell...average week I guess. 

Work hard, play hard, pray hard!

Elder Passey

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