Sunday, January 12, 2014

December 1, 2013

Hey family!
Yeah Thanksgiving wasn't that big, we did get a few feeds, but no Thanksgiving official. We did get a lot of food this week from members and less actives, and so we have a ton of food, but not an official meal I guess. It is crazy that it's already December! Christmas seemed like ages away and now it's only 24 days away! 23 here :) If you guys want anything let me know soon, it takes like 20-25 days for a package to get home, and if I send it by tomorrow or next week Wednesday, one of the two, it should get there before Christmas. I think tomorrow. But I'll send it when I can. 

The weather has been up and down. Windy and rainy, then cold, then super hot, and today it's a bit overcast but warm enough. Elder Uasila'a and I biked to the bay today and kicked a soccer ball around and did some stadiums at the amphitheater for exercize, and that was petty fun. It's hard to get up and move sometimes, so we just jumped up and left to get going. It was great! 
Snow..I hope I don't really get that down here, but then again I hope I do to see how it is. Show me pictures so I don't forget what it looks like haha :) 

I am not being moved this transfer. I am staying in Timaru, and Elder Tarati will move back up here. Elder Uasila'a is going to the North island we believe, but we don't seem to have the transfer list in our email yet. Elder Paulson will then get a new companion and be in Waimate still. 

It's been a great week, sometimes feels long, but then before I know it, it's Monday again, or I'm waking up to yet another day, crazy how fast it goes. A lot of driving this past week, we had to drive the Waimate Elders around again, and we had to go to Ashburton twice, then church and other stuff. Driving to Waimate and then to Ashburton and then Ashburton and back is like driving to Christchurch, which is a lot of driving in on day and just drains you. not a lot done with so much driving, but still pretty good. Hope this week is better, transfer week is usually hectic though. We'll see. 

well, here's to another week, hope you are all doing good, love and miss you all! 
Elder Passey

They helped build this car for their neighbors grandkids

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