Tuesday, January 21, 2014

December 29, 2013

Dear family,

Skype was so awesome!! I loved seeing all of you and the cousins too! It made my week!

That's good that you had good travels, no storms, out here it has been overcast every day since about Christmas eve. So lame, not really rainy at all, just a bit, but cloudy all day every day. Real hot though, we went down to street contact at the bay carnival and town and the sun came out just for us to contact people and it was super hot! Then we went to dinner at a members and it got cloudy again. weird. That's something cool I guess, Caroline Bay has a carnival going on every day from the 26th of December to the 12th of January. Two free concerts every day, and then rides games food etc. Most of it is pricey so we haven't spent any money, but it makes for great street contacting and it's cool just to be there. We have sat at one or two of the shows for a couple minutes to listen, and we heard this one lady who was okay, and a country artist named Cameron Clayton, he was actually pretty good even if I don't like country. He sang a Rascall Flatts song and he's from Auckland, but when he sang he sounded pretty country. Not bad. It's free entertainment and the people like it. Easy for us too. Not a bad week overall though. I'm headed to Christchurch tonight for an exchange with the Zone Leaders, I'll be with Elder Cunningham today and he's from Auckland, real cool guy. That should be fun. Anyways, I'll take pictures, hope you have a safe drive, love and miss you all!
Elder Passey

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