Thursday, October 10, 2013

Sept. 10th, 2013

Dear Brother and Sister Passey, 
We wanted to let you know of our pleasure in welcoming your son into the mission field. We look forward to serving the Lord together in this wonderful country of New Zealand. The beauty and strength of the land and the people is evident the moment you get here. We have a mission blog if you want to look at it you will soon see pictures of your son. It is We know all of your family will be blessed because of the faithful service of Elder Passey. His testimony, talents and abilities will all be enhanced as he diligently completes his missionary service. We enjoyed hearing his testimony and the excitement he has to arrive in his first area of labor. Thank you for helping him prepare so well. We told this intake of missionaries that the Spirit they carry with them and their goodness has touched our hearts. They are an outstanding group. We know we can accomplish the Lord's purposes with their help and influence. Warmest Regards, President and Sister Kezerian Wellington New Zealand Mission

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