Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Feb 2, 2014

Dear Family, 
The area is awesome, I truly do love it! This week I had an exchange with Elder Godinet, who is real cool, good guy, and he only has one transfer left, pretty much done. great times with him, he's pretty crack up! 

Yeah I felt nothing from that earthquake, it was actually kinda lame...I don't want to be in a huge one, but I want to know how it is I guess....

The members said if I give them mexican food recipes or other stuff from home they will make it for us when we go there, so maybe anything you want to send me, go for it! Meatballs, cafe rio, and anything else.

So pretty much the coolest thing happened this week, I met Sid Goeing!! The temple President in Hamilton, the great Rugby star, played 11 seasons for the All-Blacks. He's so cool. Got a picture with him to send to ya, 

We had Stake Conference this past weekend, pretty much the Saturday session was missionary work, and the Sunday one was womanhood, and praying and reading scriptures. By small and simple things are great things brought to pass. Very cool. Their stake calendar, fantastic. I love Hastings, it runs just like home. My week was overall great, nothing too special, just did heaps of street contacting and stuff. No one new, still working with John, still comes to church and to both sessions of conference. He's doing great. Hope all is well back home, love the work, miss and love you all!
Elder Passey

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