Friday, November 15, 2013

October 27, 2013

Dear Family

 Elder Tarati, he's the man! I love him already! He's really cool, and because he's a veteran, only six months left, nothing phases him. He's awesome! I hope to learn heaps from him! Yes I got the package, and I assumed it was from you but it actually had no name, only that it was ordered online. Thank you! Those Turkish delight things are delicious! We might go by the Warehouse sometime after we get blessed again, I have actually never been in there. 
Missionary work is hard as, but fun as well! I love it! 

My week has been great. Transfer week went by so fast! It feels like yesterday I was at the library getting transfer information and we were going to Christchurch to get our new companions. Elder Tarati is way cool though, I thought it would maybe be hard to adjust to an island companion, but he's already been out a while so he was already adjusted to us white guys haha! I've pretty much been taking him around places to meet all of the ward members and investigators. He likes it here, especially President Paea because he helps out so much! His last area was a ward but the bishop I guess was not as great. We've met a few new people, and he has found out how hard the street contacting in Timaru is, very. But we go on, and all is well. 
I'm doing great, Still going strong! A sister in our branch let me borrow a book about Utah the other day, it just had heaps of pictures of places and stuff, Salt Lake and Lake Powell and stuff, it was awesome! New Zealand is great, and everything is going good. 
Love and miss you all, remember,
Kia Kaha e Kia Ngawari! (Be Strong and Be Kind!)

Bro. O with Elder Passey and Elder M

Elder Passey with his new comp Elder T

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