Friday, November 15, 2013

November 3, 2013

I found a use for my French! My companion from French Polynesia speaks it! Haha sweet as!
My week has been hectic and fast. It all seems fast these days. It seems like it was Monday just a few days ago. But no, it's been another week. Crazy!
Oh, some things I have forgotten to tell you recently.
I said a prayer at the wedding of a less active and his partner, now wife. President Paea just called me up and said Elder, you say the prayer. Okay, whatever you say President! That was a bit nerve wracking, and I kind of forgot her name while saying it, so I just said his wedding, I wanted to say the wedding of such and such, but I forgot. It was bad... I was standing right next to her and everything...ouch. Oh, have you heard of Al Fox the tattooed Mormon? If not, look her up on Youtube. Sister Paea showed us the video about her, way cool story of her conversion, and she also has a wedding montage video, she just got married last month, 

Elder Medley and I helped out this old Dutch guy a few weeks back that the Jarvis' our senior couple from pleasant Grove, UT, had us come help out in his garden. He works hard by himself, but he has a bad leg, and so he does need help. He just doesn't ask. He carves his own stuff, he does bone, green stone, and Kauri wood, and it's all beautiful stuff, all hand made. Beautiful work. After we helped him out he gave us a green stone necklace each. I am always going to remember that guy. He is going to have Elder Tarati and I, well we are going to, help him out more on Wednesday. He's so humble, has said he doesn't want the religion, but he does think we are "good boys" Love that guy.  I took a picture of the green stone, it's a beautiful thing. I hear you only give it as gift.

We have been busy meeting people and always trying to find more investigators. We went and met some potentials the other day and maybe they were potentials when the other missionaries met them, but not anymore. They were drunk off their yahoos, and the lady tried to give us a hug, and she went on about feeling the power of God from the sun, and the guy went on swearing at us about living the full life and being a Mormon.  We got out of there real quick. It was weird. Funny at first, but then it got weird, we had a good laugh after though haha.

This week starting today to Wednesday we're having exchanges with the zone leaders again. Elder Hilton, the new guy, is coming down here to Timaru with me, and Elder Tarati is going to Christchurch. I think that will be fun. I am also going to have an exchange with Elder Poole from my intake in the MTC soon as well, and I'm looking forward to working with him!
President Paea is the man! I love our Branch President! He helps us out anytime we need him! On Saturday we went with him to the care center in Timaru, Strathallan, where Brother Hawke lives, and we went to visit with him and sing. His memory is about gone, but he remembers the hymns and has a great voice. he loved it. After that we went and saw another member, cleaned the chapel, and after he dropped us off he called and said," Hey Elders, the car just stopped in front of the fish and chips shop and won't go any farther. Fish and chips each?" He's awesome. He loves the missionaries and loves the branch members, and will do anything for them.
We have been doing our missionary things every day, working as best we can, and I love New Zealand and Timaru more and more every day. The people are great, maybe stubborn, especially street contacting, but great. I am doing great.
Miss and love you all! have fun at home! How was Halloween? It's not big at all. Lame.
 Elder Passey

October 27, 2013

Dear Family

 Elder Tarati, he's the man! I love him already! He's really cool, and because he's a veteran, only six months left, nothing phases him. He's awesome! I hope to learn heaps from him! Yes I got the package, and I assumed it was from you but it actually had no name, only that it was ordered online. Thank you! Those Turkish delight things are delicious! We might go by the Warehouse sometime after we get blessed again, I have actually never been in there. 
Missionary work is hard as, but fun as well! I love it! 

My week has been great. Transfer week went by so fast! It feels like yesterday I was at the library getting transfer information and we were going to Christchurch to get our new companions. Elder Tarati is way cool though, I thought it would maybe be hard to adjust to an island companion, but he's already been out a while so he was already adjusted to us white guys haha! I've pretty much been taking him around places to meet all of the ward members and investigators. He likes it here, especially President Paea because he helps out so much! His last area was a ward but the bishop I guess was not as great. We've met a few new people, and he has found out how hard the street contacting in Timaru is, very. But we go on, and all is well. 
I'm doing great, Still going strong! A sister in our branch let me borrow a book about Utah the other day, it just had heaps of pictures of places and stuff, Salt Lake and Lake Powell and stuff, it was awesome! New Zealand is great, and everything is going good. 
Love and miss you all, remember,
Kia Kaha e Kia Ngawari! (Be Strong and Be Kind!)

Bro. O with Elder Passey and Elder M

Elder Passey with his new comp Elder T
Oct. 21, 2013

First off I just found out, Elder Medley is no longer going to be my companion, he's going North to Hawke's Bay, and I will get a new trainer, Elder Tarati. Don't know him, but I'm sure it will be great. We have a transfer this week and Medley is leaving. I miss Elder Medley already though and he hasn't even left yet! It will be a hard change, I will have to show Elder Tarati around to everyone now, and it will be me pretty much leading out now. Wish me luck! 
I've been staying dry we had a freak hailstorm the other day while talking to this one guy at his doorstep, it started, raged on for a few minutes, then stopped soon after. We have had two of those actually, really weird. But now it's getting hot, the sun is out more, and yes, I am putting sunscreen on. :)
I'm trying to get used to the shoulder bag, but the more I use it the easier it is. I'm a little worried about being in the rain with it, but we'll see. I'll jump that puddle when it pours down. 
The youth program seems good, there are so few in our branch i couldn't tell you how it works all the time. It seems like they do fun things though, and they just got a new young mens president here, his name is Keegan, he's way cool, Elder Medley and I visit him all the time. He will help them out a lot. They have a youth conference coming up soon, and it sounds fun. 

The area book helped a lot, we have new people to go see every day, but now with Elder Medley leaving I will be showing my new companion around for a while. Hope that all goes well.
We met another atheist this week, self proclaimed of course. We have been talking with him for a few days now, and have had three at least one hour doorstep conversations, one was two hours and he didn't even know it! We are working really hard on him and trying to see what will happen. We can push him because he's a cool guy and he can take it, so we're pushing him every chance we get. 
The Fijiian family has been really great! The Vinakanitina's are so cool! I love them! They accept so much of what we teach, all it takes for them is church attendance, I know it! They need to know they will be welcomed and then baptized! :) Can't wait! Elder Medley really wanted to do it, but I will in his absence. 
So much to do, we have been busy, and now I will be even more busy showing the new guy around. Here goes nothing! 
Love and miss you all, I pray for you always!
Elder Passey

Elder Passey and Elder M.