Wednesday, September 24, 2014

September 21, 2014

Oh yes, excitements galore!! I love this area so much, it has so much to offer! We might have to push the top guy back a week because he missed church one week, but he is doing good otherwise. The one that loves to pray showed up at church by himself, that was the one, so cool! Then this week, we had 3 investigators at church!! 3!! All young men, and so now we pretty much will have a deacons quorum if they all get baptized!! It's so cool!! They all seem to have pretty good intentions other than just hanging out at church, and so we should be making great progress with them. This week was pretty awesome to say the least.

Zone P Day was the bomb!!!! First one my whole mission because Pres. K wouldn't allow it, and now that Hudson does, so awesome!!! We won't have one a lot but because this one worked we will be able to have others too. It was awesome!! 

We also had an amazing Culture Fest at the Stadium here, and the school we go help at had a little presentation, and then the other schools from around the region also did something and then our youth were all involved in them, I'll show you the videos, I'll upload them, they are pretty sweet. Then the college (High School) kids had one at the end, they did All Of Me in Maori and then a mean as Haka, it was amazing! I love the culture here, so cool! The weather however was not that great..... rain and wind and then rain, stopped, rainy as, stops and then crazy wind and rain then's pretty ridiculous...but that was only from Thursday onward so we will see how long it continues to last :P My favorite group of scripture this week, I have one this time haha has been Matthew chapter 12, coupled with the House Divided video on Mormon channel Bible Videos. It is probably one of Christ's best rebukes, and also shows how he is a master teacher. Love that stuff. New Testament hero: Christ. 

pretty awesome week all in all though. sport day is still a big hit, when it isn't rainy as :P still doing awesome with people, it's a new transfer now, and Foremaster and I are still staying!! WOOHOO!!! We are gonna go hard and just teach and baptize like its our job, which it is :) Love the area, love the people, just, a great part of my mission right now. Love and miss you all, have an awesome week!!! 
Elder Passey

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