Thursday, September 4, 2014

August 31, 2014

Dear Fam!

Hey Family!

This week has been busy as, as usual for little Pahiatua haha! We were busy pretty much every day except Tuesday, but we solved that problem too. We had our interviews for the rest home, so now we will be able to help out there a lot. We went around on Wednesday and spent some time with the people, they are really cool, the staff already love us, and so it's going to go great! 
New investigators, yes! We met this guy named Paul who is a scout leader here in pahiatua, said he has an open faith, and also willing to learn about us, and already started reading in the Book of Mormon! Awesome! He said we could go around to Scouts any Monday we want, so we will probably go tonight. That will be sweet! 
We are very busy! We get fed pretty much every day, all except Mondays sometimes. But other than that, feeds all the time! I love it! We do great for food. 

Man this week, it has already been another week since our year mark, and that was a sweet party we had!! haha we burned shirts, had heaps of junk food, took lots of pics which I will upload, and then just reminisced for a while...It was awesome! I will upload all the pics. Great scenery pics too, on the way to District meeting in Dannevirke. it was great! Pretty full on week though, just busy, and meeting with as many people as we can. It all goes on though, just continues, and it rocks! I love this area and my comp, so that's all I can ask for. Oh yeah, one of our investigators has been thinking seriously about getting baptized....SWEET!!! He just came out and said he wanted we will see how that goes...also helping a youth in the area come along too, he had great friends at church, and he's doing really good. So we will see how this week goes. Hope it goes great! Love you all, have fun, remember the Lord loves you! my favorite thought for this week has been Alma 36: verses 26 and 27 I believe...Anyways, have fun!

shirt burning 

at least he isn't starving :)

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