Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Feb 2, 2014

Dear Family, 
The area is awesome, I truly do love it! This week I had an exchange with Elder Godinet, who is real cool, good guy, and he only has one transfer left, pretty much done. great times with him, he's pretty crack up! 

Yeah I felt nothing from that earthquake, it was actually kinda lame...I don't want to be in a huge one, but I want to know how it is I guess....

The members said if I give them mexican food recipes or other stuff from home they will make it for us when we go there, so maybe anything you want to send me, go for it! Meatballs, cafe rio, and anything else.

So pretty much the coolest thing happened this week, I met Sid Goeing!! The temple President in Hamilton, the great Rugby star, played 11 seasons for the All-Blacks. He's so cool. Got a picture with him to send to ya, 

We had Stake Conference this past weekend, pretty much the Saturday session was missionary work, and the Sunday one was womanhood, and praying and reading scriptures. By small and simple things are great things brought to pass. Very cool. Their stake calendar, fantastic. I love Hastings, it runs just like home. My week was overall great, nothing too special, just did heaps of street contacting and stuff. No one new, still working with John, still comes to church and to both sessions of conference. He's doing great. Hope all is well back home, love the work, miss and love you all!
Elder Passey

January 26, 2014

Hey family!! This week has been awesome!! I love Hastings!! My companion, leaders, District, Bishop, Ward, and all of it! Fantastic!! Great area, but hot as! President has been putting stress on using sunscreen, apparently lots of missionaries get skin cancer from this mission, sweet. I'm done for..anyways,
This week has been...weird, fun too, I had an exchange with Elder Johnson from orem, cool guy, also ginger, and we played a game of pool with some drunk guys, so legit. We lost, but it was still really fun! the weird things started up this week.  We have come home at night and lights have been turned on in our flat, no one was there, but they were on. It started out with one or two, and then we came home after church yesterday and ALL of our lights were on. Not one, or a few, ALL of them.  We were like, what the heck is going on, and then, second weird thing. Elder taufa and I each have a lamp by our bedside table, but neither one was plugged in, and neither one was on the bed stand. When we got home, mine was on the table, plugged in, and pointed straight at my bed. What the....I think that it could just be missionaries screwing with us, but then after we left again, we locked everything, and the same night, it happened again! We are so confused...oh, and our attic was opened too! That's no easy feat either, you have to get up on a chair to pop open the panel. It just flips open and sits on the edge, but man that was really weird. Elder Taufa shut it and checked up there, nothing....so weird...if it happens again we will probably call President and then maybe wait it out and see if anything happens...I video'd right when we got in, and I'm maybe gonna call it Paranormal activity mission edition, but until we find out who or what it is, untitled. anyway, besides that, still doing good. 
(Yep, sounds like he has some Elders messing with them) :)
Oh, we have Maori bread for sacrament, which is really sweet and pretty fattening, but man it is good, just a random fact that is completely unique to NZ. Really cool stuff. We had an earthquake up here on Monday, it was about 50 miles west of us, but we felt nothing. I guess Hastings got a little bit of it, but it was P day and we were at the park, so nothing. On our exchange, Elder Johnson played me and said I had to eat all the food from their ward mission leader who fed us, and so I tried, but just couldn't...you'll see the feed on Dropbox. I have a couple with the feed, potatoes, corn, chicken, beet root, corn on the cob, pork head stuffing, which is really good, and then a cheesecake for dessert. He makes it all himself, and it was like a 5 star meal we each should have paid 60 bucks for that we got for free. I have a couple with the start, and then one from what I was able to eat. I wanted to explode after...well, I fed old people for my first time, we do service at the rest home and I fed this old guy juice and some different colored mushes. Cool stuff, it was actually fun, we also talked to this crazy old lady who likes us but was always telling us to go away, and bugger off haha. Great week, I was volunteered by the Bishop to teach class in Gospel Principles because our teacher was gone, so I taught the Godhead with 2 minutes prep time. Pretty sweet. Our investigator John  who walks an hour and a half to church every week, said I had a "good speech", so it must have been good. Great times here in Hastings so far. Oh, so today I tried pancakes for breakfast, but they didn't turn out good, what is a recipe I can use just with like flour, water, sugar, and other stuff? Hope you are all doing good, miss and love you all, have a great week! 

Elder Passey