Friday, May 22, 2015

April 12, 2015

Dear Family,

Man yeah conference was awesome!! I loved it! they saved the best one for my last conference on the mission!! It was so powerful, Priesthood session was just amazing, Elder Ballard just smashed Tinder and Snapchat, it was so crack up!!!! We all just laughed, and everyone knows why he said those two... 
Yeah we basically pulled an America and watched it at 10 and 2. It was good, but man it's a long weekend when you watch it all. 
Yes we are!!!! Vana  passed the interview yesterday and she is all set for Saturday! We are super excited as well! I don't know if I told you, but the cool as part about it, is that her nephew Elder Hira is serving in Hastings close by, and so he is baptizing her!! So mean!! I have for sure seen God's hand in the way this all worked out. 
The Restoration was the thing she had to get a real firm testimony of, but she is going to pray this week and get settled about it, she's pretty hard on herself sometimes, but she is ready. I love the Restoration too, I love to teach it, so great! 

Other than all of this business, I had exchanges with Elder Harrington, he started here in Flaxmere and now he's finishing here in June, what a lucky guy! It was really great to meet people he had worked with.

We went to a funeral for an Elder in our mission who's cousin had just committed suicide...she was only 12.... Elder Tavo came up from Porirua, that's around Wellington, to stay up here for a couple days, it was really great to go to, if he ever serves here, he will convert all his non member family. Heaps of them! 
Just a great week though, so much good happened. Baptism this Saturday, that will be awesome! I will send you a picture of the invite and maybe a physical one too.
Love you guys! Have a great week!
Elder Passey 

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